Hebridean Adventures lands Silver level Green Tourism Award


We were delighted to hear yesterday that we had achieved the Silver standard from the Green Tourism awards scheme for our work in continuing to become as sustainable and as environmentally-friendly a business as possible. This is very important to us obviously working as we do in the natural environment as well as being based in a small local community out on the Isle of Lewis.

Working through the award assessment was very detailed and actually opened our eyes even further to more improvements we can continue to strive towards to improve our business practices, infrastructure and vehicles into the future - yes we have an eye on the Gold award further down the line of course! We already know of some instant things we can change and for example are sourcing more local suppliers for food and drink as well as a greater range of eco-friendly cleaning products. But the onus is not just on what we can do, it is also about suggesting good alternatives to our guests, for example in what toiletries you might bring onboard and what local businesses you might like to support for other services in the islands and for responsibly produced souvenirs for example. 

"The awards certification programme we run recognises the commitment of tourism businesses which are actively working to become more sustainable. Our Bronze/Silver/Gold awards are acknowledged worldwide as an indicator of good environmentally-friendly practice, and are a great way of progressing on a green journey as well as acting as a hallmark of ‘green quality’, attracting custom from increasing numbers of eco-minded visitors."

So if you have been thinking of travelling with us on a Scottish whale, dolphin and wildlife watching cruise in the future we hope this new award will further emphasise our commitment to being as eco-friendly as possible, and in combination with our WiSE (Wildlife Safe) operator accreditation will help you make up your mind to book with us and secure your place(s). We still have places on board for our cruises in September and October departing from Mallaig, and then our 2022 cruises are booking now also! Please check dates and details on our website at www.hebrideanadventures.co.uk .