

Puffins are unmistakable birds with their black back and white underparts, distinctive black head with large pale cheeks and their tall, flattened, brightly-coloured bill.


Its slightly comical appearance is heightened by its red and black eye-markings and bright orange legs. Famously used as a brand for a book publisher and many other items, this clown-prince among seabirds is one of the world's favourite birds. With half of the UK population at only a few sites, including St Kilda and the Shiant Isles that we visit, it is a Red List species.

One of our favourite things about the puffin is the amazing number of small fish like sandeels they can catch and carry in their bills at any one time. It is usually up to around a dozen , but individuals have been reported in the UK with up to 60+ in their beak at one time - incredible!