North Hebridean Explorer cruise
Trip host Chris Gomersall reports back from a very successful 10 night adventure cruise around remote Scottish islands in superb weather.
Posted on Mon 26 Jun 2023 · by Chris Gomersall
31st May to 9th June 2023
Well, there’s a first time for everything. And this was the first time I’ve completed a ten-day cruise in the Hebrides without a single drop of rain! Not only that, but the wind barely reached force 4 at any point. With the barometer firmly stuck at 1024 millibars, and the light winds in the northerly quarter, these were fabulous conditions for cruising and venturing out to some of the remote outposts of the Western Isles. I’m happy to report that skipper Tony and the trusty Hjalmar Bjørge duly obliged, and we were able to reach and circumnavigate North Rona, Sula Sgeir and the Flannan Isles; places even less frequently visited than Saint Kilda. That’s cutting a long story short - obviously there were a number of stops along the way, and we enjoyed peaceful walks ashore on Canna, Taransay, Rum and south Mull. Owner David Lambie was able to join the ship for a couple of days (guess which part!), and while in Stornoway we were able to hear the fascinating story of the guga hunters of Sula Sgeir from their former skipper, John Murdo “Dodds” MacFarlane.
North Rona
Sula Sgeir
Flannan Isles
As for the wildlife, we managed to see an impressive total of 93 species of birds between us, and no fewer than five species of dolphins. But it’s the wonderful experiences and privileged encounters that you remember, rather than the crude numbers. For some of our guests, this will have been the first time they experienced the thrill of bow-riding common dolphins, or a minke whale surfacing close to the ship. Rarer events that will stick in my mind were the aerial antics of talon-grappling white-tailed eagles at the Shiants, and the glorious surprise of an otter running across the beach on Taransay. And who could ever forget the haunting chorus of grey seals at dusk, more poetically interpreted as the songs of the selkies, from the skerries around North Rona?
Common Dolphins
White-Tailed Eagles
Grey Seals
In many ways, the gannets were the real stars of the show for this cruise, with close views of their breeding colonies at Sula Sgeir and the isle of Roareidh in the Flannans. It was heartening to see them getting on with the normal business of nesting with no obvious signs of mortality in the colony, after the ravages of avian ‘flu in 2022. It did appear as though breeding numbers in the Flannans are slightly down on last year, but I have subsequently submitted comparative photos to seabird researchers at the RSPB and the Centre for Hydrology and Ecology, and they will be able to make a more informed assessment. It sounds like a small gesture, and easy enough for us, but it’s quite difficult to obtain good data from some of these remote sites and is very much appreciated by the scientists involved. In a similar fashion, we are accustomed to recording all of our cetacean sightings and submitting them to the Hebridean Whale and Dolphin Trust through their Whaletrack app. On a personal level, it’s always been important to me to know that I’m working with a wildlife-friendly and environmentally responsible operator, and I feel sure that our guests support us in this too.
Gannet colony at the Flannan's
Gannets at Sula Sgeir
There’s a lot more to commend live-aboard cruising of course. The joy of slow travel. The people you meet, the knowledge and experience they share, and the friendships you make. Paddling ashore in bare feet. Luke’s prawn skewers. Not catching any mackerel. Just a few of the many reasons to come back again next year. And after twenty years of wildlife guiding, on approaching 50 Hebridean cruises, I’m still discovering a new anchorage on every trip. Pure magic.
Another adventure begins - off on a shore excursion in Loch Spelve, Isle of Mull
Wildlife Species List
Whooper swan - 1 at North Rona, 3 at Loch Carloway, 1 at Loch Eport
Greylag goose
Canada goose - Loch Spelvie
Common scoter - 4 by Taransay, and ca 60 in the Minch by North Uist
Goosander - 1, Stornoway
Red-breasted merganser - Loch na Drumbuidh,
Red grouse - Taransay
Red-throated diver - Rum
Black-throated diver - 2 at Loch Carloway
Great northern diver - 1 at Loch Carloway
Manx shearwater
European storm-petrel - north of Butt of Lewis, south of the Flannans, Cairns of Coll
Leach’s storm-petrel - 3, north of Butt of Lewis
Northern gannet
Cormorant - Sound of Harris
Grey heron
White-tailed eagle - 11 plus
Golden eagle - 1 in flight from Loch Spelvie
Common buzzard
Corncrake - 4 calling males on Canna
Ringed plover - Taransay
Golden plover - Taransay
Lapwing - Loch Spelvie
Sanderling - Taransay
Dunlin - North Rona, Taransay
Common sandpiper
Redshank - Taransay
Greenshank - Loch na Drumbuidh
Whimbrel - 3 at North Rona
Great skua
Arctic skua - 1 north of Canna, 2 by Tiumpan Head, 1 north of Butt of Lewis
Black-headed gull - 1, Taransay
Common gull
Herring gull
Lesser black-backed gull
Great black-backed gull
Little tern - 1 at Taransay
Common tern - Sound of Mull
Arctic tern
Black guillemot
Common guillemot
Rock dove/feral pigeon
Wood pigeon
Collared dove - Taransay
Short-eared owl - Loch Eport, North Uist
Swift - Oban
Great spotted woodpecker - Loch Spelvie
Barn swallow
House martin
Rock pipit
Meadow pipit
Tree pipit - Loch na Drumbuidh
Pied wagtail
Song thrush
Northern wheatear
Common whitethroat
Willow warbler
Goldcrest - Rum
Great tit
Coal tit
Blue tit
Long-tailed tit - Loch Spelvie
Jackdaw - Oban
Hooded crow
House sparrow
Total: 93 species
Red deer
Feral goat
Grey seal
Common seal
Otter - Taransay, Loch Spelvie
Harbour porpoise
Short-beaked common dolphin
Risso’s dolphin - three pods, by Tiumpan Head, north of Butt of Lewis, and by Sula Sgeir
White-beaked dolphin - 2, west of Lewis
Bottlenose dolphin - north-west of Lewis
Minke whale - 10 sightings